Grade 5 Math Worksheets Word Problems. You will now find grade leveled problems in sets and skill based word problems as well. We include many mixed word problems or word problems with irrelevant data so that students must think about the problem carefully rather than just apply a formulaic solution.
These Word Problems Worksheets are perfect for practicing solving and working with different types of word problems.
Includes chapters on: Sequences, Problem-solving, Money, Percents, Algebraic Thinking, Negative Numbers, Logic, Ratios, Probability.
Related Topics: More Singapore Math Lessons Math Worksheets. A huge collection of math word problem worksheets covers the topics like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, decimal, ratio These word problems help children hone their reading and analytical skills; understand the real-life application of math operations and other math topics. A good book on problem solving with very varied word problems and strategies on how to solve problems.